Want to Do More in Less Time? 7 Apps That Are Guaranteed to Enhance Your Productivity
January 28, 2019 | No Comments | Written by Elizabeth T.‘Wait But Why’ You read that right! This awkward phrase is indeed a part of this space where I supposedly tell you how to use technology to your advantage and improve your productivity levels.
It’s the title of a Ted talk by Tim Urban, a rather inquisitive session laced with humour, that talks about the panic monster who apparatus when a deadline is looming too close by to be comfortable.
Procrastination-And the Times When It Leads You on an Internet Adventure
We have all procrastinated at some point or other. However, when you begin putting tasks off now and then, it affects more than just your work. Then, you turn to the Internet to frantically look for apps to increase productivity. And when you land on one of the results, like this one I suppose, you are greeted with the message ‘technology can be your saviour’ wrapped in any number of words.
Here’s the real kicker though-technology is the tool, not the wielder. The productivity apps, you must understand, are great if you want your work to get in line with your objectives. It, however, demands initiative. Don’t look for apps to make you more productive only to let them sit in your phone for days. Get the point?
Seven of the Best Productivity Tools For Your Smartphone
1. Track My Life
It’s already 1 PM, and you don’t know where the morning hours went? This app lets you record the time you spent travelling or moving around. With it, you can figure out the spare time you have in a day and put that to good use.
2. Rescue Time
Each week, this app sends you a report about the time you spent online with details of the websites and the hours spent at each of them.
It’s an easy way to determine just how much of your ‘online day’ is spent ogling at useless information and cute cat videos when you should be doing something of value.
3. Venmo
No forms required. No commission charged. Venmo lets you send out payments to people. It’s quick. It’s secure. And it is a definite, possibly better, alternative to high-end payment solutions like PayPal.
4. Ink Flow
It’s one of the best productivity tools, a personal favourite of mine, I must say. You can capture ideas on your phone just like you would with pen and paper. It’s a wonderful app for doodling, jotting down random thoughts and ideas, etc. And it lets you organize your ramblings for better future use.
5. Google Keep
You can:
• Take notes
• Makes lists
• Record voice reminders
• take/doodle/pick pictures and add them to reminders
• Do it all for free
6. Aladdinpro
It’s a time-saving expiry reminder app. You can enter details for documents, contracts, bills, licenses, etc. that have to be renewed or paid on a deadline and the app will remind you of them well in advance. It also lets you upload the document in question. You can share the reminder entry with different groups of users. And you will get notifications on your phone as well as on email, twice before the deadline appears.
7. Focusbooster
It allows time tracking, Pomodoro style. You can set an alarm for a few minutes and focus on working until your phone rings. Perfectly designed with a simple interface and lovely visuals, you will love how this app seems to categorize your minutes into bundles of productivity.
But do remember, apps that help with procrastination still need you to take some initiative. So, buckle up and try these apps to help you be productive and hence, better utilize your time.
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